Software Ganeso


We have developed a propietary tool through a research programme of over 2,550 hours in collaboration with scientists from the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Santiago de Compostela. This tool optimises and simulates both statically and dynamically the different cost functions in gas systems with a user-friendly interface and an adaptation to Google Earth. It analyses complex grids of gas pipelines including all their elements (compression stations, valve positions, regasification and liquefaction plants, underground storage facilities,…) by simulating their physical behaviour and aiming to optimise cost functions in the operation of the network elements for given demand scenarios. Networks and their cost functions can be parameterised. It also allows to calculate all the entry-exit tariffs for a given system by applying a variety of calculation models (Capacity Weighted, Matrix, Virtual Point, Paul Hunt and Postage Stamp).

This tool is very useful for analyzing the management of gas pipelines systems and planning the development of gas infrastructures under strict criteria of efficiency, incorporating demand forecasting models, investment and operation costs of the planned infrastructures as well as simulating the implementation of a myriad of policies. We use the results of our simulations to improve our daily operations, our collaboration with regulators and institutions and to contribute to the work of the different organizations in which we participate. We have staff trained in their use and we provide support to the different companies that may request it.

This is an open line of work, one which we will continue to research on and to which we will continue to add new functionalities.

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